My Thoughts From The Tractor Seat – Mistakes

September 29, 2024

Often times I reflect on my life, and it seems like I could write a book of all the foolish mistakes I’ve made. I’m not just talking about my early years… but all of it up to now.

Oftentimes I wish I could go back and change much of my past, maybe outta guilt, maybe from the lost opportunities, or maybe even the relationships that those mistakes cost me.

Some mistakes were outta ignorance, some outta innocence, some were made trying to cut corners, and some were just simply made out of spite.

But then I think of the wisdom I gained, and of all the things I learned from those mistakes.

If I could to go back in time and change them,

I wonder how many good things came my way later because of those mistakes? Or of all the stuff I was spared because I learned something from those mistakes?

I’m betting they would surely all be erased as well, and I’d have missed out on some of the good stuff.

I have survived thus far, and I’m still making mistakes… but I learn from those mistakes and I think that’s forward progress.

Oh how brutal is the school of hard knocks. But the school of hard knocks is the best teacher to those of us who are hard headed.

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