My Thoughts From The Tractor Seat – A Hard Man

September 4, 2024

I was told the other day I am a “hard man”.

It got me to thinking, and I’ve since wondered why I’m thought of as hard and calloused man? Is it because my hands are like sandpaper and tanned leather, with scrapes, scabs, scars with dirty fingernails? Is it because I don’t think of pets as my children? Or maybe because I don’t let people get away with much? Or because I detest injustice, corruption and disloyalty? Or because I hate liars and thieves? In my eyes there is right and wrong, it’s cut and dried, no grey area.

I have wronged others, and when I’ve realized my wrong doing I’ll own it and I’ll try to make it right if at all possible. I believe if your late don’t make up excuses. If you’ve dropped the ball don’t blame it on others. If you’ve used bad judgment don’t try to justify yourself. Own up to it, course correct, and move on but don’t leave it unresolved. See that it never happens again. If you make a promise keep it or die trying. Don’t compromise your morals and values to be politically correct.

I believe in forgiveness, it frees your soul.

Being kind can diffuse all sorts of situations. Mark Twain once said “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”

I believe in charity, kindness, and compassion, but I also believe it should be freely practiced and not forced.

I admire honesty and integrity, and hard work, but I wont stand for being mistreated or taken advantage of. I don’t ask anything more of others than I wouldn’t expect of myself. I work hard and give it my all. I’m not out to get rich or conquer the world. I just want to live my life in peace and quiet and to be happy.

These are my principles, if that makes me a hard man then I guess I am, and I will not apologize for it.

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