Agriculture Is The Most Trusted Industry In The US

October 29, 2021

In a recent poll called the Gallop poll, information was gathered on how Americans view different sectors. The poll asked 3 questions about each area, do you have a positive view? A neutral view? Or a negative view of the area. The top industry according to this 2020 poll was agriculture, 69% of Americans have a positive view, 19% are neutral and 11% with a negative view, for an overall 58% net positive rating.

The second highest was food-related was the grocery industry, with a 51% net positive, and the third was the restaurant industry with a net positive rating of 46%. Many feel that ranchers and Farmers get defensive that the public does not understand their practices or their way of life. They may feel that if only the public understood or knew then they would respect the prices, or respect their need for resources. They feel that the public and consumers should be educated on what it takes to feed the nation, what it takes to wake up early and do a farmer’s job every day. This poll, however, suggests, that even without education on AG, the public has a positive outlook on what farmers are accomplishing every day. They under- stand their worth, and value. So there is no need for farmers to feel defensive, by being honest and transparent, and by continuing to do so, farmers and ranchers have the country’s trust.

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