Eating Right During Quarantine Can Be Delicious

May 18, 2020

By Greg Goodsell

While we reach for “comfort food” during times of crisis, such as potato chips and ice cream, healthy foods that elevate mood and reduce anxiety can be every bit as delicious. Who would ever think that salmon and peanut butter could taste so good, and yet be good for you as well?

Nutritionists say that the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids in fish are readily apparent. Over two dozen studies show that consuming such foodstuffs is a good safeguard against depression. Researchers say that two servings of fatty fish weekly, found in salmon and sardines proves a good hedge against mood swings.

Omega-3 fatty acids have also been found to be beneficial in reducing the likelihood of heart attack and stroke, the lessening of the chance of sudden cardiac death, lowering blood pressure, slowing the development of arterial plaque and in the reduction of triglycerides.

While green stuff such as spinach and broccoli are well known as “good for you” foods; folate, or vitamin B can be put on the frontline towards battling depression and fatigue. Here’s an extra scoop of good news: Such luxurious foodstuffs such as strawberries and avocado are also heavy in folates, so do enjoy them without guilt.

Researchers say that folic acid has also proven helpful in improving response to antidepressant medications such as fluoxetine. Folate deficiency has also been linked to clinical depression.

Probiotics found in such side favorites as yogurt and sauerkraut have also been found to enhance mood. There has been much scientific research if probiotics can potentially prevent depression.

Whole wheat bread and brown rice, also rich in Vitamin B have also been found helpful in curbing blood sugar from spiking and crashing after the ingestion of a candy bar.

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The nationwide quarantine has led many to bake their own bread as a form of therapy, and researchers welcome this trend. They say that a bagel doused in peanut butter can be a healthful snack, and flood the system with serotonin, elevating mood.

Bread is often seen as being unhealthy and fattening. Whole grain bread, however, can slow absorption of sugar into the bloodstream to stabilize blood sugar levels. The United States currently doesn’t mandate fortifying bread with micronutrients, although many manufacturers do so voluntarily. Other countries such as Canada have strict rules and regulations requiring the addition of certain nutrients to many types of flour.

Researchers say that eggs, long seen as a culprit in dietary cholesterol, are not that harmful when prepared correctly. While fried eggs are rich in fat, an omelet paired with a salad can be a healthful, light meal.

However — should you insist on such standbys as sugary alcoholic drinks, candy or chips, indulge if you must. Ingestion of sugary, high-carb snacks, however, causes glucose to decrease, which results in a sudden drop in energy levels, resulting in hypoglycemia, or a “sugar crash.” This results in sudden headaches, irritability and fatigue. Any parent who finds their child suddenly collapsing in tears after gobbling up trick or treat candy will confirm this.

In short, officials recommend exploring more healthful snack solutions during this current time of crisis.