My Thoughts From The Tractor Seat – The Green (Bowel) Movement

January 31, 2022

I recently met with a group of politicians that were pushing the “green deal” amendment being introduced as legislation by progressives, environmentalists and our wonderful governor.

They spread the bull spit pretty thick about how they value us farmers and ranchers here in NM. They also said how much they wanted to help us, but I know a good con when I hear one and if it seems like someone is out to get you… well, they are.

If I’d have been a little quicker to wit, I might have explained to them how Agriculture works in terms that they might understand.

You see, farmers and ranchers love for the land runs deep, like a politician’s taste for fine wine and someone else’s money! Nobody takes better care of the land than we do.

The politician in the group I was talking to, was a lawyer and a proud professor of law re- tired, use to debating law, from what I gather, not a problem solver or a contributor of much of anything other than debate and mind games. They’ve pushed a pencil all of their careers, making lots of money twisting laws and making twisted laws while those of us in agriculture are use to pushing a chain and scratching hard for a living.

If their job as a lawyer was regulated to the degree that they continually treat farmers and ranchers, and they had to work under similar conditions it would go down something like this (tongue in cheek, of course.)

Their law practice would only be allowed one office, 20×20 in size but on one acre of land, and the rest of the land would have to be set aside for conservation, and it would have to be planted only with native vegetation. Permitted and planted to specifications, of course.

Their office could only be allowed to have 1-30 watt light bulb so as to conserve energy, provided it comes by solar or wind turbine generation only.

They would have to sit on the floor, and use that for a desk and chair because that fancy wooden mahogany desk can’t be made of harvested wood because it might threaten the loss of habitat for some endangered species and if there isn’t an endangered species, we will be sure and make one up.

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They are required to write their summons to a minimum of 5,000 words long (more if they’d like) but only on 10 pages of big chief recycled paper (like we used in kindergarten.) Oh, and it has to be double spaced and in KINGDOM STORIA font, just because it’s an old heirloom font and it seems more natural.

They’d have to use a variety pack of colored pencils (supporting diversity), sharpened by a hand cranked pencil sharpener as an electric sharpener may be used but only if it is powered by a solar, or a wind turbine electric source.

Any mistakes in the manuscript mustn’t be scratched out – it can only be erased, but not with the pink eraser. Only brown gum type erasers must be used, as they are manufactured from more sustainable and earth friendly materials.

Any copies that need to be made must be made on recycled paper, again only powered by a solar or wind turbine source. The ink must be 100% biodegradable and all discarded materials must be properly disposed of or composted – provided all the necessary permits from at least 15 different agencies are purchased and posted in a central location. Copies must be made available to the public immediately imports and upon request (of course) and a site inspection will be scheduled at our leisure.

If and when all the criteria has been met and fol- lowed, they won’t have a predetermined hourly wage rate to be able to charge, we will just pay market value based off supply and demand.

We welcome competitors from other countries that haven’t passed the bar or attended any sort of law school, to offer their services at a lower rate thereby lowering the price that they will receive – it’s called competition.

And that, my friends, in a nutshell it how it would go down if the shoe was on the other foot. Kinda humorous but enlightening isn’t it?