The Real California

August 14, 2019

September 6th, 2019


By Bob Golden

San Francisco and Los Angeles, are no doubt the first places most people think of when California is mentioned. Disneyland also comes to mind. We are a species that reacts to images. San Francisco is an image of progressive culture, and Los Angeles is a representation of industry. Somewhere between these two great cities, lies the heart of a state. Where farm workers drive cars that should have been retired twenty years ago. But those farm workers have a heritage and work ethic.

And then, there are the farmers and ranchers. Often thought of as greedy, and damaging to the environment, by the uneducated, who have never stepped foot into the farm and ranch land of this state.Pawns are we, the people of the earth, who toil to feed you with our labor, and feed our families with the labor of our hands. The “jewels” of San Francisco and Los Angeles are covered in the feces of the people who were promised a land of milk and honey by politicians who have never seen the rural landscape.

In San Francisco, and Los Angeles, where the tourist travel, the streets are clean…….but travel a few blocks away, and the truth lays stinking in the streets.In the heart of Ag country, far away from Sacramento, are the same people who live in the cities. But we are just as poor, but not as shackled, as the forgotten in the cities who control this state. Outnumbered, outvoted, but not crapping in the streets of our neighborhoods.Politicians created a dust bowl, and created a dependency. And this has created a crisis that only benefits the politicians, who find wealth in destroying a civilization and people.

Tell me a single program, or policy, enacted in the last thirty years by our “leaders” (representatives), that has reduced dependency on government programs, or kept the once proud people of this state from crapping in the streets. With each failure of liberal policies, more people live in the streets, more people lose the jobs that feed families, and more people must vote for the very people who stole their pride, in order to receive food from the state run soup kitchens. I hope you enjoy your trip to Disneyland if you visit us here in California! Your food was grown elsewhere, and the streets of the cities have hazards of crap in the streets.