4 Common Beef Breed Characteristics

September 28, 2019

Hereford- Red bodied with a white face, dewlap, underline, crest and flanks. While most are polled here in America, there are some that have thick, short horns that curve downwards. This breed is known to be docile, fast-growing, weather adaptable and vigor. Can have eye cancer or pink eye issues.

Angus- Can be red or black in color, naturally polled. They are known to handle extreme weather, have great calving ease, natural marbling, and great carcass yield. Cows usually have strong maternal traits.

Beefmaster- These cattle are a composite breed, which means they are a cross of three different breeds. Brahman, milking shorthorn and Hereford. While there isn’t a set color pattern for this breed, they are commonly red. These cattle are known to have the ideal “Six essentials:” weight, conformation, milking abilities, hardiness, disposition, and fertility.” They also are great in harsh weather and have excellent carcass abilities.

Charolais- White in color, these cattle are the perfect breed for cross-breeding and are typically crossed with Angus. They have great muscling, calving ease, docility, and efficient feedlot gains.