My Thoughts From The Tractor Seat – Purpose
My wife was asked if she had any picture’s from our days as a 4-H shooting sports instructors. The request was from our local 4-H
My wife was asked if she had any picture’s from our days as a 4-H shooting sports instructors. The request was from our local 4-H
We bid each other “Happy New Year” in celebration of the passing of another year and with hopes for a better year to come. We
To me the definition of Agriculture means trying to harness nature to provide food for all living creatures. Farmers are very innovative when it comes
I’ve always, all my life, thought that the things that I’ve done have been normal, or at best kind of boring. I’ve never felt that
Often times I reflect on my life, and it seems like I could write a book of all the foolish mistakes I’ve made. I’m not
I was told the other day I am a “hard man”. It got me to thinking, and I’ve since wondered why I’m thought of as
To me the definition of Agriculture means trying to harness nature to provide food for all living creatures. Farmers are very innovative when it comes
I’m getting older, and I pride myself in being able to fix most anything. So, if you see a man like myself, who carries a
There are things that are just good for the soul An old dog that comes to greet you when you get home after a long
I’m a man who likes cold whole milk in a glass, and real butter on my toast. I like the smell of coffee brewing and
Had a feller ask me “how many miles you reckon you’ve driven in your farming career?” How would I know? I never really thought about
I’m back in the seat after taking a much needed break. As I make round after round on this tractor, I remember in my younger
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