Cattlemen’s Convention and NCBA Tradeshow

December 29, 2019

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association knows how to bring the party. With a balance of networking, socializing and education, there are so many exciting things that CattleCon brings for everyone involved in the industry.

Cattlemen’s Convention and NCBA Tradeshow is an annual industry event that brings educational seminars (cattlemen’s college), networking, social events and lots of opportunities to become more engaged in the beef industry.

If you have never attended, it can seem daunting to plan a trip to the convention- but fret not- for I have some wonderful advice for surviving your first Cattlemen’s Convention in San Antonio, Texas- February 5-7, 2020!

Register Early
Registering BEFORE January 3, 2020, will ensure you have discounted rates for all registration. This gives you more money to spend while you’re out on the town in San Antonio.

Registering early means booking your hotel room early as well. Part of #CattleCon is being able to stay where most members are staying! When I was an ambassador in 2018(Phoenix) I met so many cool people after the convention was over in the hotel lobby. This is a great way to network. Rooms fill up quickly and partnering hotels provide discounted fares. You must reserve before January 10, 2020.

Also, becoming a member of NCBA will give you the member pricing on registration, so be sure to join before you register. Student memberships are only $50!

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Click Here For Merchandise

Get Involved
There are free registration giveaways, scholarships, and intern/talent contests. This could mean you receive a FREE TRIP to Cattle Con. If you’re unsure if this event is worth the money and time, try going for free so you can see for yourself how awesome it really is.

Use All Discounts Available
Listen, I know it’s not cheap to attend industry trade shows- between travel, time off work, registration, and expenses at the event, it all adds up. NCBA partners with Uber, Lyft, Southwest Airlines, and various other companies to provide discounts to attendees.

As an alternative, attending one day is still beneficial to you- you’ll get a great experience either way.

Stay Rested
I probably didn’t sleep enough when I was in Phoenix, but I suffered a little bit. It’s important that you have fun and make sure to experience all you can in that short time, but don’t miss out on the early morning activities. There are meetings, breakfast, and Cattlemen’s College sessions that begin bright and early. If you’re exhausted from a crazy night before, you might pay for that during the most educational parts of the convention. If you’re paying for it- you should get as much out of it as possible. But also, I firmly believe that “you can sleep when you’re dead.” So go have fun regardless and don’t miss out on the PBR event!

Plan Your Trip
With so much going on in a few short days, have a schedule set so you know which sessions, meetings, and events you’ll want to attend.

I suggest rating them by most important to least important (if you can!) because of certain things crops over and you might have to choose between one or the other.
When I attended last time, I had last-minute changes to my plans because something ended up sounding better, so don’t be afraid to switch it up.

There will be an agenda book available to you when you get there, that was my bible for the entire trip.

Attend The General Session
The Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond, was the opening speaker when I attended. She was so funny and made for great entertainment. You don’t want to miss hearing the stories and inspiration! And the stage set up is always very visually appealing.

Don’t Be Afraid To Go Alone
A lot of my friends and colleagues were busy or had other interests than I did. So, when it came to attending a meeting or session, I went in alone. I was able to focus and take notes- learning a lot that I wouldn’t have had I stuck with friends. I also ended up meeting so many cool people.

Know The Area
Go through the exhibitor list, look at the floor layout, and try to hit up everyone you want to visit. You can get free stuff, win some cool items and socialize with great people. It seems overwhelming, but it’s easy to navigate with some simple planning.

Have A Blast
CattleCon20, and cattle convention past and future, is about making the industry stronger, educating ourselves on current issues so we may become better advocates, ranchers, and members, and celebrating the bond we have as cattlemen and women. To say my first convention changed my life is a cheesy, but true, understatement. I have made great friends, have silly stories to tell, and have built a stronger knowledge of the industry.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me and be sure to register using my code MARKIE for a $50 off full registration or $20 off trade show only! Can’t wait to see you, Deep In the Heart of Texas and the Beef industry.

Head to the Cattlemen’s Convention website for all details!