Farming & Ag News

Cattle & Dairy

Dairies in Decay Across the US

Its no secret that California dairies are in a state of trouble. In the last 6 months alone we have seen smaller operations go out of business and even the closing of larger processing plants for the industry. But what are some of our neighboring dairy states doing to correct the problems for themselves, and can we learn something from them?

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Ag Technology

California’s High Speed Rail Speeds Into More Problems

In the light of the recent California Governor Primary, I wanted to shed some more light on what is now considered a deeply flawed and tumultuous legacy project from Jerry Brown. I am talking about High Speed rail. Perhaps one of the largest public project debacles in the last 100 years of US history. Take a look at some of the highlights in the article and voice your own opinion though. Is high speed rail really what Jerry Brown and his cronies make it out to be, or is it just another disaster that California must deal with?

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Ag Technology

Regenerative Ag – A Back to the Future Technique for Farming

In today’s farming world, we hear many terms passed about. But perhaps one of the most misunderstood is that of “Regenerative Agriculture”. Just what is it, and how do farms consider it in use? This is an almost “Back to the Future” like farming method that you will be hearing more about in the future. Especially as more farms look for ways to integrate and grow.

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